1. What is the proper general direction to travel around Lake Spivey?
2. What is the maximum daytime speed limit on Lake Spivey?
3. What is the maximum nighttime speed limit on Lake Spivey?
4. How close can I travel to the shore line or docks while traveling faster than 5 mph?
5. Can I operate a PWC after dark?
6. How close can I travel to another boat while going faster than 5 mph?
7. Who is required to wear a floatation device on a PWC?
8. Is racing permitted on lake Spivey?
9. Who has the right of way between a PWC and a boat pulling a Tuber/Skier/Wake Boarder?
10. Can I use a PWC in the slalom course?
11. Do I have to stop if the Lake Spivey Safety Patrol attempts to stop me?
12. If I damage another vessel or property am I responsible for the repair costs?